Many people ask if they can order an item that is out of stock or get on a list to be notified when items come back in stock.
Pre-ordering (which is when you can order a pole that is out of stock and it will ship when it comes back in stock) is only allowed on certain products. Most of the time, pre-orders are accepted on PFD brand items only, we very rarely allow pre-orders on the other brands like X Pole, Lupit, or Lil Mynx. If pre-orders are allowed on that item, the cart button will say "can be back ordered" and there will be a notice above the "add to cart" button that explains the pre-order process along with estimated dates of when the item will be back in stock. If the item says "out of stock" then pre-orders are not allowed for that item.
We try to keep our customers notified of stock as well as other changes. All notifications that items are back in stock are sent out in our newsletter. You can subscribe to our newsletter to get stock notification as well as other information like free pole fitness tips, sales notification, new blog post notifications, etc.