Anytime a customer opens a support ticket or reply's to one of our emails that were generated from the shop website, an account is created for you in Freshdesk.
Freshdesk is our helpdesk that logs all customer responses or inquiries and routes them to the correct support agent to help answer any questions you might have.
You will be sent an email to set up an account that you did not initiate. The email will have a link like this, "" in it. You will need to set up a user name and password for Freshdesk so that you can log in and see the status on your support ticket.
You will then be able to reply to us from your email and log into your Freshdesk account to see the status of any open support tickets or inquiries you might have.
Please Note - This Freshdesk account is completely separate from your Shop account and Online Pole Lessons account.
Any purchase of physical goods is done through our Shop at You will have a separate username and password to access your Shop account once you have made a purchase of a physical product. You can log into your account at to view your dashboard and get the status of your orders.
If you purchased Online Pole Lessons or if Beginner Pole Lessons came with your purchase from the shop you will be given instructions to set up an account to access these Pole Lessons at This username and password to access the Online Pole Lessons is separate from your Shop account and Freshdesk account.
You can read more about how to access your pole lessons included in your dance pole kit here in the solution center.---->
You can read more about why you may be receiving an error, "Can't log into my account, Says email doesn't exist".---->
Here is the link to log into either your Online Pole Lessons account and/or to access your Shop account:
I hope this helps clarify things a little more for you. Have a wonderful day! ;)